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  • Writer's pictureRebecca Gardea


Updated: Jun 15, 2020

Covid 19 and Newcastle disease (NDV) are finally taking a backseat and allowing us to get back to training and hunting with our dogs.



Believe it or not, it has been two years since the Inland Empire was struck by the Newcastle bird disease which affected mostly chicken's. However, it ultimately affected our ability to train, or hold any Field events in the affected areas. We would like to give a shout out to Inland Empire NAVHDA, for jumping on the first opportunity to get all of us together.

Member's Only


NAVHDA is the North America Versatile Hunting Dog Association, and with annual dues to the national club you have the ability to join a local chapter for a yearly dues at a nominal rate. This allows you access to a diverse group of skilled trainers and like-minded individuals who love their dog and the activity of hunting Upland Game.

Training days always start with a meeting to cover the days activities, including brief introduction of the areas the training day will cover.... But wait..... How much does it cost? well for members its FREE, I don't know about you, but I like free.

OKAY! Back to the purpose of the blog. After the day has been laid out, you can visit the areas you are interested in training. You will be welcomed by trainers, judges and YES, volunteers helping you so selflessly to improve you and your dog. I highly recommend becoming a volunteer.



NAVHDA is one of the most welcoming organizations for Newbies. In Fact, they LOVE it. This is what made the organization appealing to SilverBay Weimaraners. They welcome all the newcomers and our puppy families have an additional support group with a ton of knowledge.

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Jun 16, 2020

So happy the bird quarantine has been lifted and we can resume training in local areas again. The Inland Empire NAVHDA chapter put on a great post Newcastle training day, was well run, and had a great turnout this past Saturday.

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